Sunday, November 23, 2008


Several years ago I read a book about being grateful and thankful for the good things in your life rather than focusing on the things that were difficult or unpleasant. The book suggested that each and every day, if you can list five things - no matter how big or small - that you can be thankful for, then there is no reason why you should not be a happy person. The book is called Simple Abundance and I highly recommend reading it. So, ever since reading this book, I have - off and on - tried to keep up with what I call my "gratitude journal." So, here are the things I am thankful for today on Sunday, November 23, 2008:

1.) My husband - he is my rock, my best friend, my world, my everything. His mere presence makes me happy and whole. I am so thankful that God put us together.

2.) A week off. Those who know me well, know that the past several months have been...well...nuts. I am thankful for this week off to rest and rejuvenate.

3.) Pink flamingos. I have purchased about three or four pink flamingo Christmas ornaments this year. I plan to have a small flamingo Christmas tree this year displaying my collection of pink flamingo ornaments. They make me so happy.

4.) Traditions, great and small. I love the holiday season. The period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is just such a fun time of year. I have little rituals that I have become accustomed to that have to occur every year. For example, it isn't the holidays unless my best friend and I watch Little Women or unless I purchase my Twisted Peppermint Body Wash from Bath and Body Works. I just love it all!

5.) Quality time with family. I have spent most of the weekend with my mother and it has been so much fun!

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