Monday, January 5, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

Well, tomorrow are my auditions for my spring musical, Beauty and the Beast. There are about 60 kids signed up to audition, which is just great! Our auditions start at around 5:00 tomorrow and won't be over until about 9:00. Then we have to audition another group of kids on Thursday night. Again we will start at 5ish and go until about 9:00. CRAZY! I am starting to get a little bit excited about the production, though. I will be especially excited once we get the cast nailed down. Steven is my Assistant Director/Set Designer. Cynthia Stuart is going to be our Musical Director - for which I am so grateful. She is so talented. She just finished a show at New Stage Theatre as the musical director. One of my best students, Kimberly Russell, has been selected as the student director for the production. Show dates are April 16th - 19th! I am sure I will have plenty more blogs to follow on the topic of this musical!

Also, all six of my classes will be presenting a one act in the spring. I have no idea what I am thinking allowing all six of my classes to do a one act (I am positive I will be going nuts and regretting this), but I do have a pretty good plan, though. All six of the class will be presenting three different shows. So, two classes will each do the same show. My three upper level classes will present on one night and then my lower level classes will present on another night. So, we will have three one acts during two night of performances. And each of the shows that I have selected have very, very minimal sets, so I am not too worried about being stressed about sets. I figure we will present the one acts in early May, but I have to nail down the exact dates. So, we will have the entire semester to work on these one acts and get them ready. More info to follow later on the spring Night of One Acts.

Okay, since I shall be working so late tomorrow evening, I plan to relax as much as possible tonight! I go for my first sonogram on Wednesday and I am so nervous and excited. I pray that everything is as it should be with Peanut and that he or she is happy and healthy.

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