Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In full swing...

We've been back in school for almost two weeks now and everything in my life is in FULL SWING - full speed ahead! I posted the cast list for Beauty and the Beast this morning and the kids are so excited. We start rehearsals next week. I must say that I am getting excited myself....their enthusiasm is contagious. Steven is busy working on the set, Cynthia will be starting with the music rehearsals soon and I am organizing, working on schedules, costumes, parent meetings, fundraisers, etc. My classes are also in full swing and seem to be going well thus far.

Our little Peanut seems to be doing very well. I am sitting right at week 9 now. It is hard to believe that we found out about Peanut a month ago! I have been nauseated a lot lately, but mostly I am just EXHAUSTED. I do not ever remember being this exhausted in my life. I wake up exhausted, I am in bed at 8:00. Nothing helps. But, all of my books say that will let up soon as I head into my 2nd trimester. They say the 2nd trimester is the best. You are supposed to not be nauseous and have more energy. I hope that is the case! But I am willing to endure whatever I have to as long as Baby D is happy, healthy and safe in my belly. I read that this week is the week that the baby is building muscles. Bekah says he or she is using my belly as a gym and no wonder I am so tired. I am really trying to watch what I eat and drink these days. I haven't had coffee or coke in about a month now. Baby D has now graduated from a embryo to a fetus! I am so proud!

Last weekend the family (Mom, Dad, Justin, Amy, Aunt Shirl, Uncle Bob, Nene, ET) and Steven and I went to New Orleans. For my dad's birthday we got him tickets to see his favorite performer - Celine Dion. He loved the concert. We all stayed in NOLA on Saturday night and had a yummy dinner at GW Fins and then went to the show at the New Orleans Arena. I must admit, it was really good. On Sunday, we had a fabulous Southern breakfast and then Justin, Amy and Steven and I hit the streets of NOLA. We walked around and shopped and ate and had a good time. On the way home we stopped at Middendorf's and ate yet again. It was a weekend of food! I have included a picture of the fam waiting on Celine to come out and sing to us! HA! My mom looks mad - maybe she was jelly cause my daddy never put down his binoculars the whole concert! My mom calls Celine my dad's "other woman." You can also see Nene and Aunt Shirl, Uncle Bob and two family friends, Quint and "little" Amy sitting directly behind us. The empty seat between Amy and my mom was Justin's - he was taking the picture. Great memories!

The Friday night before I went to NOLA, Caroline (who is getting married next weekend!) and I went to see Bride Wars. It was really cute. I enjoyed it and I know she enjoyed it as well. There is so much that I should be doing at this moment, but I think I am going to take this afternoon off to rest! I deserve it!


Lori Wyont said...

You have beem busy...that's another reason you are so tired. Don't pull yourself to thin. I can't wait to meet little peanut.

Nicole Bradshaw said...

Rest as much as possible now. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.