Friday, January 16, 2009

Liz's Bucket List

As you may or may not know, I recently turned the big 3-0. While I still feel like a spring chicken and by no means think this makes one "old," I do think that it is a milestone birthday and a chance to take stock of where you are with your dreams and goals and a chance to maybe even revamp them. I do believe that goals change as you change and as your life changes. And in recent years, mine have changed drastically due to many wonderful (and some not as wonderful) things that have occurred in my life. So, in celebration and honor of my recent leap into my 30's, I am going to create a "Bucket List" for myself. Some of the things on it are big goals. Some of them are tiny. But they are all important. And they are not in any particular order... except for the first one.

1.) Be the best wife and mother that I can possible be.

2.) Travel the eastern coastline and see the lighthouses.

3.) Take a second honeymoon.

4.) Sing in a band for an audience.

5.) Own my own business.

6.) Find time to do more sewing.

7.) Go back to Disneyworld.

8.) Go horseback riding.

9.) Sail on a sailboat.

10.) Learn to play the fiddle.

11.) Make a difference in one person's life.

12.) Swim with dolphins.

13.) Have a bathroom with one of those old claw footed bathtubs.

14.) Love my job.

Okay, that is all I've got for now, but I am sure I will add to it as things develop! I have included a picture of myself in NYC for my 30th birthday trip blowing a kiss to Steven off of the Empire State Building. I guess you could also think of it as me kissing my 20's goodbye!

1 comment:

arr-jay said...

This is a great list! And as you know, I will help in any way I can...well, except maybe with that horseback riding thing. ;-)
